new generation wallpapers
Centuries have passed since the emergence of wallpaper. The technology advancement and the printing industry has greatly influenced the creation of new generation wallpapers and has moved today’s wallpaper to a completely new level. There are thousands of different options today between different types of patterns and texture. Wallpaper standards have changed rapidly and have made significant progress.

The features of the new generation wallpapers
The quality of the new generation wallpapers is determined according to their type and material. A standard and high-quality wallpaper can maintain its durability and quality for many years.
- Things to consider when choosing wallpaper include the following:
- If the covering material is vinyl wallpaper, about 500 grams per square meter of vinyl wall paper should be used.
- High-quality wallpaper is not easily scratched and torn.
- One of the characteristics of a good wallpaper is its ability to be washed with detergent.
- High-quality wall paper has a smooth and seamless surface after installation.
- After installation and implementation on the wall, the design and color will not be messed up.
- After installation, poor quality wallpaper will have holes and bubbles.
- Dust from the place should not affect the quality and transparency of the wallpaper.
A new shine in the new generation wallpapers
Washing capability
All new generation wallpapers are washable and they have a special cover made of vinyl and waterproof resin varnish. This feature makes it possible to clean the surface of the wallpaper without damaging its appearance. The denser and stronger the coating, the more resistant the surface is to washing.
Washable wallpapers are divided into the following four categories in terms of resistance to water and washing:
- Waterproof
- resistant to washing
- Very resistant to washing
- Resistant to scrub or scratches

Waterproof wallpaper
In this type of wallpaper, you can remove the dough from gluing the wallpaper using a sponge or a damp cloth.. It is enough to put your sponge or wet cloth on the wallpaper paste; You should keep in mind that in this model of wallpaper, avoid rubbing the sponge on the wallpaper.
In this type of wall paper, chemical cleaning materials such as detergents, soap, dishwashing liquid and other items cannot be used. These wallpapers are suitable for rooms such as bedrooms, living rooms, study rooms, where there is minimal or no chance of dirt.

Wallpaper resistant to washing
In this type of wall paper, newly created stains and dirt can be removed with a damp or sponge cloth and some weak detergents (water soluble).
Due to the low resistance of this type of wallpaper to strong detergents, grease and oil stains in this model may be difficult to remove.
Therefore, it is better to pay attention to its anti-dust and grease feature when buying wall paper.
These wallpaper models are suitable for use in any space, but we suggest that you avoid using them in the kitchen, bathroom, and children’s room.

Wallpapers that are very resistant to washing
Very wash-resistant wallpapers are covered with a very dense vinyl layer. In this model, you should use weak detergents and avoid applying too much detergent on the wallpaper.
It is suggested not to use a brush to clean the stains on the wall paper. These wallpapers are much more resistant to humidity than the previous two types. Therefore, they are recommended for wet spaces such as bathrooms, kitchens, and more frequented areas such as corridors and children’s rooms.

Scratch resistant wallpapers
New generation wallpapers that are scratch resistant can be cleaned using a soft brush. These wallpapers are coated with a thick vinyl layer, so they are much more scratch resistant. A brush or a mild abrasive can be used to clean and remove water-soluble and fat-soluble stains from scratch-resistant wallpapers. Due to its high wash ability, this wallpaper can be used in spaces such as the kitchen.

points after washing wallpaper
In order for washable wallpapers to last for a long time, it is necessary to observe a few points after washing
- After cleaning, remove the moisture with a dry towel.
- Do not drag the napkin on the surface of the wallpaper.
- If you use a microfiber cloth, you don’t need detergent, because this cloth is enough for stains.
- Do not apply mild detergent directly to the sponge or wall, first dissolve it in water.
- Do not use strong detergent products such as bleaches that have high solubility properties.
- In spaces with high humidity, such as the bathroom, use appropriate ventilation to maintain the life of the wallpaper.

Color stabilization
The color stability of the new generation wallpapers is very high, these wallpapers do not change color for many years and this feature is due to their resistance to sunlight and ambient temperature. This capability is graded according to the standard of wallpaper, in this grading, the number 3 indicates the average level and 7 indicates the excellent level of color stability. Usually, they show the ability of color stability on the cover of wallpapers or inside their album with special signs.

Anti-dust and grease
New generation wallpapers do not attract dust due to their antistatic properties. In addition to not absorbing dust, this generation of wallpapers absorb minimal grease and do not need to be washed and cleaned for a long time.

Anti-static electricity
Static electricity is the result of an imbalance between negative and positive charges in an object. These charges can accumulate on the surface of the object until they find a way to release or discharge. One of the ways to discharge them is to hit a conductive object.
This issue is very important regarding wallpaper. Because wallpapers are installed in different places and if they don’t have anti-static properties, they get dirty quickly and need to be replaced.

Environment lover
Unlike previous generations, new generation wallpapers do not contain harmful chemicals for the environment. In the past, wallpapers could not be recycled and chemicals were used in them, which harmed people’s health and the environment. Knowing these harmful materials, environmentally friendly and more natural materials are used in the production of new generation wallpapers. Vinyl is used in the new wallpapers, which is recyclable and makes them environmentally friendly.

The new generation glue used for wallpaper installation are water-based and do not use harmful chemicals.
Different embossed
In the design of new and high-quality wallpapers, it is tried to give dimension to the product. This dimension in wallpaper design makes the design on the wallpaper more visible and beautifies the decoration.

Radiance and light reflection
The new generation wallpapers can be produced as matte, polished or shiny. Matte wallpapers do not have any light reflection. In the new generation of Extreme Walls wallpapers, shining materials are used on the surface of the wallpapers, which is called glitter. glliter makes the reflection of light in this model of wallpaper very high and they can be used in any place even with low light.

Economical and affordable price
Due to the nature of design and paper, wallpapers exist in different types in terms of material and design, and for this reason, different prices have been considered for them according to your needs. Therefore, you can choose your wallpaper according to your tact according to your budget.

New and updated designs
Wall papers are successful in the market today that can move forward according to the fashions and trends of the day. The property of this trend in the Extreme Walls collection has made it release new and updated albums annually according to the style and tact of the people.

Quick and easy installation of the new generation wallpapers
In general, installing wallpaper is easier than other wall coverings. In addition, the new generation of wallpaper glue is water-based, and the smell caused by its use on the walls is much less. The stronger adhesion of this generation of glue has made wallpaper installation faster than before.

Extreme Walls products, a new generation of wallpaper
According to the properties mentioned about the new generation of wallpapers, Extreme Walls company has designed and produced its products entirely based on new standards. In addition to being environmentally friendly, the new generation Extreme Walls wallpapers have excellent reflection, anti-static and economic price, and have updated designs.

Washable, hypoallergenic, non-absorption of soot and dust, thermal insulation and guarantee of product quality and originality are the features of all products produced by Extreme Walls.
Relying on the three principles of honesty, customer orientation and creativity, the Extreme Walls team has given great importance to the quality, variety in design and color in the production of its new product.
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